kickback|kickbacks in English


strong reaction, repercussion; recoil, sudden backwards jump; bribe, payment given to someone as a reward for making something possible

Use "kickback|kickbacks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kickback|kickbacks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kickback|kickbacks", or refer to the context using the word "kickback|kickbacks" in the English Dictionary.

1. No leader dislikes kickback.

2. I just want a kickback.

3. Mike got a kickback from a merchant.

4. Top executives received millions of dollars in kickbacks.

5. A cardiologist was offered kickbacks by a pacemaker manufacturer.

6. Motorways, electricity generators, municipal dumps were all subject to kickbacks.

7. Most focus on illegal kickbacks on public works contracts.

8. The employment agency demanded a kickback on her wages.

9. 20 The employment agency demanded a kickback on her wages.

10. He is on trial for allegedly accepting kickbacks from business.

11. The kickback lifts your hands up in the air, like this... bang!

12. Kelly was unable to drink whiskey for its strong kickback.

13. Tom got a lot of kickback in the awarding contract.

14. The kickback from a gun with this calibre would be massive.

15. Our hydrophone mics have picked up some more kickback from the acoustic gun.

16. But the process is widely regarded by multinationals as a fairly weird kickback.

17. The company had to kickback a lot to the corrupt officer.

18. Raquel, whose work involved purchasing supplies, said: “Certain sales agents offered me kickbacks.

19. In America(, Taking Kickback is a Violation of Indian Law.

20. The company paid kickbacks to local officials to win a contracts worth millions of dollars.

21. Bribes and kickbacks are part and parcel of the international arms trade.

22. The Director said that administrators at her clinic accepted kickbacks from suppliers.

23. In certain situations, donating your medical services could be considered a kickback.

24. Sources said they were accused of paying kickbacks to politicians to obtain public contracts.

25. He offered me $000 as a kickback if I'd push through a $500,000 loan.